Einladung zum Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Bruce Johnson

Das AECC Biologie und das Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung laden am 15.5.2023 zu einem Vortrag von Bruce Johnson, dem Dekan der School of Education an der University of Arizona in Tucson (USA), zum Thema „Research and Education in Environmental Action“ ein.

  • Zeit:      Montag, 15. Mai 2023, 16 Uhr
  • Ort:       Seminarraum 4, Porzellangasse 4, Stiege 2, 3. Stock, 1090 Wien

Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

Die Veranstaltung wird in Präsenz stattfinden. Zusätzlich wird es eine Online-Übertragung via Zoom geben. Den entsprechenden Link werden wir Ihnen rechtzeitig übermitteln.

If education is to be a serious component of our response to the environmental crises we face, it must include more than just knowledge about environmental issues. The Competence Model for Environmental Education includes three kinds of knowledge (system, action-related, and effectiveness), attitude, and behaviour. This talk will provide an overview over the research on this competence model that demonstrates the relationships between knowledge, attitude, and action. Also, the presentation will explore research on education programs that incorporate knowledge, attitude, and action.

 Über den Vortragenden:

Bruce Johnson is dean and professor of Environmental Learning and Science Education at the School of Education of the University of Arizona at Tucson, USA. He is a leading science education researcher who made significant contributions to the field of environmental education, especially by modelling the development of environmental values/attitudes and actions in young people. Johnson is the founder and international program coordinator for “The Institute for Earth Education” (IEE), where he oversees the development and implementation of earth education programs and leads sessions on earth education around the world. IEE is an international, non-profit, educational organization that develops and disseminates earth education programs in already over 18 countries, for example Australia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan, and the United States.

Website: coe.arizona.edu/person/bruce-johnson

Anmeldungen bis 10. Mai 2023 bitte unter zlb@univie.ac.at

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